MSEP: The Power of Connection

CWT was inducted into Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP) this fall, an organization within the Department of Defense (DoD) dedicated to connecting military spouses with partner employers who have committed to recruit, hire, promote and retain military spouses.

There are currently around 1 million military spouses, 85% of whom have a 4-year college degree and 50% of whom are under 30.

These spouses experience an unemployment rate of 24% due to the nature of their lives with frequent moves, deployment and often being the sole caretaker of their children.

At the Induction Ceremony, speakers shared some great suggestions about ways to connect and collaborate with these potential candidates, who are eager to join the workforce and up for the challenge of learning new skillsets to forward their careers.

During the New Partner Induction Ceremony, Mr. David Norquist, Deputy Secretary of Defense, and Mrs. A.T. Johnston, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Community and Family Policy, thanked employers for recognizing the need and committing to recruit, hire and retain military spouses within their organizations.

The Second Lady of the United States, Mrs. Karen Pence, delivered the keynote address, underscoring the value that military spouses provide to organizations, as well as the importance of military spouse employment to military readiness and retention.

CWT is one of 42 new employers to the partnership this year, which now includes more than 400 companies, federal agencies and organizations.